Abaqus Meshing Tutorials - Meshing 3D Solid Fork end Solid Part in Abaqus

 Abaqus Meshing Tutorials - Meshing 3D Solid Fork end Solid Part in Abaqus

First step is to import 3D model from local drive to the abaqus 6.14.In this case i have model the part in Solidworks and saved in  .step extension in your local drive.To import the file to the abaqus,right click on the PART tab in the model tree in that select IMPORT option.Select the file from the local drive and import it.


With the help of mesh module in Abaqus/CAE you can generate mesh in parts and assemblies.You can assign the mesh using different mesh characteristics such as element shape,element type and mesh density.you can also refine the mesh by seeding the mesh density in a particular regions.

You can also control the mesh by assigning different element shape such as Hex,Hex-dominated,Tet,Wedge in the case 3D solid part and Quad,Quad dominated and Tri in the case of shell part.

After importing the file GO TO Meshing Module by selecting MESH option in module tab.Select mesh control tab.

 STEP 3:
In this case you can choose different element shape.If i select TET type Free meshing technique the part will be meshed automatically.the TET type meshing is as shown in the image below.  

 STEP 4:
If i select HEX type of mesh,the part will not mesh automatically for that we have to partition the part properly if we want structured mesh or sweep type of meshing technique.

Step 5 :
For partitioning the 3D solid part,we have to use different methods of partition

Step 6:
In this case first i have selected CELL type and i have choosen DEFINE CUTTING METHOD technique for partioning.In this case first select POINT and then select normal straight line.

Step 7:
Next select EXTEND FACE option in the partition method and then select FACE and try to apply extend face option as maximum you can.

Step 8:
Try to use both the combination of meshing technique till the part get fully partioned.Fully partitioned and meshed part using both CUTTING METHOD technique and EXTEND face technique is as shown.

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